Kathrin Leese-Messing

Kathrin Leese-Messing is a Sinologist educated at the Universities of Munich and Yangzhou, PR China. She wrote her PhD, which was funded by the German National Academic Foundation, on the development of Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Historiography. Her dissertation won the dissertation award of the faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Munich, in 2014. A revised version has been published with Harrassowitz in 2016 under the title Tradition im Wandel. Historiographiegeschichtliche Studien zu Chen Shous 陳壽 Sanguo zhi 三國志 (Tradition in Transition. Studies on Chen Shou's Sanguo zhi and its Place in the History of Chinese Historiography). Kathrin Leese-Messing has been teaching Classical Chinese language and Ancient Chinese history at the Universities of Munich (2008-2011) and Zurich (2011-2017).


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Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies Volume 3: Frontier-Zone Processes and Transimperial Exchange

The Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies offers in three volumes the first comprehensive discussion of economic development in the empires of the Afro-Eurasian world region to elucidate the conditions under which large quantities of goods and people moved across continents and between empires. Volume 3: Frontier-Zone Processes and Transimperial Exchange analyzes frontier zones as particular landscapes of encounter, economic development, and transimperial network formation.
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Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies Volume 1: Contexts

The three-volume Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies is the main deliverable of the BaSaR project. It aims to offer a comprehensive discussion of economic development in the empires of the Afro-Eurasian world region and elucidate the conditions under which large quantities of goods and people moved across continents and between empires.